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"Tsunami of Aging"

  • In 2019, it was estimated that there were more than 55 million (roughly 16 percent of the US population) over the age of 65. The latest projections from the World Health Organization, says that at the current rate, there will be roughly 2 billion people 60 and older by 2050. This amounts to the proportion of the world's population over 60 years nearly doubling from 12% to 22% from 2015 to 2050. Further, the elderly will exceed the number of children in our near future. This phenomenon has been described as a “Tsunami of Aging”.

  • 1 in 3 Seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another form of Dementia

  • Only 16% of Seniors receive regular cognitive assessments during routine health check-ups

  • Every 65 seconds someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s disease

  • Between 2000 and 2017 deaths from heart disease have decreased

Early Detection is key. Screening means preventive care and early treatment. In turn, it facilitates the detection of high-risk candidates for whom we can actively make a different future. Screening helps us remain ahead of the curve. We are simply not screening enough.

The faster we know, the more we can do. Education, Awareness and Outreach is at the heart of our challenge.

From our economy, and our medical/healthcare systems to the social fabric of our communities everything will be impacted.

Brain Disorders and Diseases

In a not-too-distant future, due to our aging population, and the health challenges we face as a nation; the leading health concerns will be “Brain Diseases”.



The World Federation of Neurology, estimates that around 33 percent of people aged 65 years and older suffer from either Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s or Stroke. The risk increases with age.


Roughly 25% of people over the age of 65 are dependent and require regular intervention and support in their daily activities. This often


presents a financial burden on the patient, their family, their Health Insurance, as 83% of support comes from unpaid care providers such as family.



In 2019, Alzheimer’s and other dementias will cost the nation $290 billion, including $195 billion in Medicare and Medicaid payments. There are costs to the patient and to care givers to be considered as well.


Alzheimer’s is projected to cost more than $1.1 trillion by 2050 (in 2019 dollars). This dramatic rise includes more than a four-fold increase both in government spending under Medicare and Medicaid and in out-of-pocket spending.


Early Detection, Screening, Education and Awareness is key in Prevention, and Treatment Plans.


It is time for us to be pioneers in creating change

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